telemarketing secret weapon


You’d be forgiven for thinking that telemarketing is somewhat of a lost art. With the rise of the internet and social media, many people are under the impression that more well-established forms of promotion – like telemarketing – are on the wane. In some cases this may actually be true, but that certainly doesn’t mean that telemarketing is any less effective than it was. In fact, quite the opposite might be true. There was a time when everyone was using the phone as the centre of their marketing mix. With more companies focused on the internet, potential customers are now more open to telemarketing as they’re no longer bombarded with calls.

Generating marketing leads the easy way

There’s nothing quite like one-on-one human interaction for selling a product. That’s where utilising  telemarketing lists can really come into its own. When your company uses the telephone to speak directly to potential clients, you can address issues on the fly, quash concerns and paint the best possible picture of your service offering. This is something that’s just not possible with more ‘static’ forms of promotion like direct mail or email campaigns. It’s long been known that telemarketing produces the highest return on investment (ROI) of any form of direct marketing – and that includes social media. It merely seems that some businesses have forgotten the power of the telephone.

Targeted marketing for exceptional results

If you’re not aware of the benefits of both business lists and consumer telemarketing lists, consider this; lists like these allow you to target specific attributes and avoid wasted effort on cold leads. For example, if you were a window cleaning company, you could easily target only consumers that had a certain square-footage of house. By harnessing the power of a telemarketing list like this, you can minimise wasted advertising spend, rein in your budgets, and boost the profitability of your business. You can also track effectiveness and make immediate changes to your approach until you find the one that works best for you. All in all, telemarketing is as close to bulletproof as marketers can expect to find.

Telemarketing lists tailored to your business

telemarketing lists

If your company has been struggling to find the right marketing method for you – or you’d simply like to experiment with your marketing mix – telemarketing could well be your new secret  weapon. Forget any  preconceived notions about the process, it’s as effective as you make it, and you can tweak the process in any way you’d like to make it work for you. A telemarketing list will give you the confidence to make complex business decisions and marketing investments without worrying too much about your ROI. And, because telemarketing is so flexible, and the telemarketing lists on offer so wide ranging and varied, you can always alter your processes whenever you feel like the results are not ideal.

So what are you waiting for? Learn more about telemarketing today and discover how your business could really boom – just by picking up the phone.

Are you ready to take your direct marketing campaigns to the next level?

If so, contact ProMarketing Leads today – our experts look forward to helping you optimize your list and leads strategy to begin achieving prompt marketing success.

Call today at (866) 397-2772 to learn more.

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